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Parents must see the use of atomizer matters needing attenti

Source:未知 Popularity:Publication time:2019-06-05 15:10
Recently, infant respiratory diseases have entered a high incidence period. When babies are diagnosed with bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases, doctors may give children atomization inhalation treatment. Due to the problem of time, most parents will choose to buy atomizer to make for their children at home. So what should be paid attention to when using atomizer?
Drug type, dosage according to different conditions, please use under the guidance of doctors, pharmacists.
The size of atomized particles is the main reference index for selecting atomizer from regular manufacturers.
In the selection of mouth containing inhalation, please choose the best sitting posture, holding atomization cup to maintain vertical upward, to ensure the normal injection of drugs.
After inhaling by mask, the face should be cleaned immediately to reduce drug absorption on the face, and gargle timely to reduce drug residue in the mouth.
You can purchase medical equipment at XiZhiTang in Hong Kong. There is an official website, which makes you feel assured. For more details, you can consult the health QQ: 2850507528 at XiZhiTang in Hong Kong.